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COACHING: Mental Tennis -The Ultimate Mindset Hack to Change Your Thoughts

Writer: Sarah CentrellaSarah Centrella

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Mental Tennis: The Ultimate Mindset Hack to Change Your Thoughts, Beliefs, and Outcomes

In today's short coaching episode, I'll teach you Mental Tennis, the ultimate mindset hack and my most popular tool for changing your thoughts and beliefs. I began coaching this tool in 2014 and it's one of the three tools in the ThinkIT step of my Centrella Method in Hustle Believe Receive. It is by far the simplest and most effective way to get control of your thoughts and change the underlying beliefs for good.

Mental Tennis: The Ultimate Mindset Hack to Change Your Thoughts

But as with all things, it will only work if you PRACTICE IT, so begin using it immediately! You can use it for any topic it works the same with everything from thoughts on relationships, self-worth, self-beliefs, money, career, body image... you name it!

This tool does two powerful things 1). It stops the negative thought from manifesting its negative real-life equal. 2). It creates a new positive outcome that didn't exist before. So, be diligent! Practice it with determination and relentlessness. Soon the negative thoughts will recede and the positive ones will begin taking it's place, creating a new belief. That new belief will drive brand-new results.

Mental Tennis: The Ultimate Mindset Hack to Change Your Thoughts

Step 1: is to recognize your thoughts. Believe it or not, most thoughts go unnoticed they just run in the background noise of our mind, so just hearing them in the first place is a win! It's an exercise in being present.

Step 2: When you hear the thought, ask yourself, does this thought serve me? In other words, do I want to live the outcome of this thought?

Step 3: If the answer is no.. use Mental Tennis.


Read How Thoughts Become Things, Chapter 2 of my upcoming book The Mind Lab.

Watch my REEL on Mental Tennis to get the visual (and be sure to comment your thoughts!)

Want to learn my other 3 tools for how to change your thoughts, reduce stress and anxiety, and begin manifesting everything you want? Take my Mini-Mind Lab Course for ONLY $27!


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Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE!

Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.


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