Does manifesting work? It does when you use the Centrella Method™ and #futureboards! My manifesting success story.
Check out my manifesting success story: the top 10 things I manifested in 2021 straight off my vision boards!

These are not small things y'all, these are LIFE CHANGING manifestations! HUGE up-leveling in all areas of my, and my family's lives.
Here are just a few of the amazing once-in-a-lifetime experiences, lifelong goals, big dreams, expanding business, personal achievements, and more that manifested in 2021 straight off my Pinterest #futureboards.

#1: My son Kanen Rossi manifesting his ultimate dream of playing football at the University of Oregon.
This is something he put on his Futureboard™ in 7th grade and a dream the two of us have shared since he was six years old!
Watch a video of his story HERE.

#2: My 3rd Book Deal!!
In July of 2021 I signed my 3rd book deal, to be released fall 2022.
It's called All The Things I Wish I Knew, How to be a Fierce Chick Living her Best Life. It shares my personal life lessons and those I've learned through coaching thousands of women over the past decade. It's everything from the important stuff, like how to change your mindset and when to leave a unhealthy relationship, to the silly.

#3: Building My Dream Team
This has been a dream five years in the making. I started my coaching company as a solo-preneur in 2017 with no experience, and no idea what I was doing. It was HARD to build a company on my own, and I've longed for a team to help me take the vision to the next level. In 2021 we launched Centrella Company, my corporate coaching start-up, and I am so blessed to have these incredible people on my team!

#4: Our Dream Home!
I started this journey in a 700 sqft, 2 bedroom, rundown apartment in 2008, our first nice condo was flooded leaving us living in a Red Cross hotel for 2 months. We spent five years living in a cramped 3 bedroom apartment when I where I wrote my first book.
So, this is a big deal! It will be the first time in their lives that all my children, and myself have had our OWN bedrooms!

#5 Trip to Italy with my Daughters!
In August of 2021 my 14 year-old daughters and I took the girls trip of a lifetime!
We started in Rome, then went to Amalfi (a 20+ year dream for me) and finished in Tuscany. It was incredible. The pictures from my Pinterest Futureboard™ were under my Relationships section, and look how accurately they manifested!

#6 Cooking and Bonding with Like Minded Women
I've had this on several Futureboards™ for about five years, I wanted to have more like-minded boss women in my life that I could cook with, hang-out with and learn from.
This moment came to life in a big way in Dallas TX this year, with the amazing women (and one guy) on my new team, all people I admire and learn from!

#7: My Son Graduating with Honors and Receiving a Full-ride Academic Scholarship!
As a single mom I fight against all kinds of negative stereotypes all the time, and my kids have to as well. One big one is that single mom's don't spend time with their kids or help them with homework or invest in their education. So when my son graduated in May with honors AND received a full academic scholarship to the University of Oregon, it was a very proud manifest moment!

#8: Small Group Workshops
This year another big dream manifested, getting women together in small, intimate settings to learn, cook, laugh, drink and bond together. I did my first one in San Antonio in December and planned my first Italy retreat for July 2022. I will be doing more of these little one day workshops this year, so fun!
9-10: ITALY! August 2021
Here are just a few of my many once-in-a-lifetime moments manifested in Italy this past summer. After going through my Pinterest boards and physical boards from the past few years, I found nearly a dozen, almost exact, manifestations from that trip alone!
Okay, if you've been paying attention then you know I DO NOT teach vision boards, nor do I teach Law of Attraction, I teach my own Centrella Method™. One I have been proving for over a decade, WORKS! It has changed my life ten times over and continues to change the lives of people around the world who are also practicing this method.
My method has been proven and tested repeatedly since 2009 and works for up-leveling every aspect of your life, as well as helping you manifest specific goals and dreams.
It is based on the core concept of building a balanced life, one based on your personal happiness. Let me be CLEAR, it is NOT about manifesting a dollar amount of money, or the next job, or a nice pair of shoes. It's about upgrading EVERY ASPECT OF YOURSELF, AND YOUR LIFE. And that's what you see in my manifestations from last year, every aspect of life, up-leveling.
2021 was one of those huge life up-leveling years for my family, one that brought about massive change in almost every area. One where the hustle, belief, and desire established in previous years, cashes in all at once. Those years are so much fun! But they DO NOT happen by magic or random luck. They were carefully and intentionally crafted in the previous months and years. Long before you see me live a dream on Instagram, I've been applying all the steps in my Centrella Method to create it from scratch.
I cannot stress this enough, these types of results are NOT unique to me, if you want them, you can have them.
If you are reading this, it means you want to change some part of your life, it means you are ready to figure out what's next for you. It means you have the DESIRE for something different. So what is preventing you from making that happen? What are you waiting? You've seen me manifest like this for YEARS, stop watching me do it and start doing it yourself!
I have created resources to teach you my methods, simply, easily, and effectively in every imaginable price point and delivery method, there is literally NO EXCUSE.
Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE!
Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.
I have been following your journey for over 10 years. I remember the flood and you staying at that crappy hotel and couponing, being on a dating I have learned allot from you over the years. Im.glad to see you still killing it out there