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In today's coaching episode, I'll be sharing my tried and true, 4 Tips for Get Out of a Funk, Feel in Control and Jump-Start Positive Energy.

It happens to all of us… and when I’m feeling “out of sorts,” frustrated, down, or like I’m "in a funk," these are the things I do RELIGIOUSLY to move out of it as quickly as possible and get back into the positive energy flow that will manifest my desired outcomes.
My 4 tips to get out of a funk 1️⃣ CHANGE YOUR VIBE:
Guided meditations are the fastest way to change your energy and get out of a funk. I love the ones on YouTube where you can search for some on any topic, I normally start with an “energy alignment,” or a chakra cleanse. If I'm really in a bad energetic place, I do one of each twice a day for at least a week. It doesn’t need to be more than 10 min, but if I really need it, I’ll fall asleep to a longer one.
Favorite Guided Meditations
I've linked some of my favorite ones here, but remember you can search any topic you need on YouTube or your favorite meditation app.
Energy Reset
Release Stress & Anxiety
Attracting Love
Confidence & Self Love

Use the tools in #thinkit (the 2nd step in my book Hustle Believe Receive) to change those negative voices causing and enabling the funk. Read my post and listen to my podcast: Mental Tennis to learn exactly how to do this.
Learning how to control your thoughts is the single most important and impactful thing a person can DO to change their life. It's something you are can control and get better at over time.
Practice Mental Tennis every day, it's a game changer! It is your ticket to quickly get out of a funk.

Write a list of everything you control about the situation at the root of the "funk." Remember you ALWAYS control at least these things:
What you choose to focus on about the situation.
How I choose to talk about the situation.
Whether or not I am using my tools (aka the previous 2 steps)
Whenever you put your focus and attention on things you do control, it automatically helps you let the rest (everything you don't control) go. And that is HUGE! It's one of the fastest ways to get out of the rabbit hole and get out of a funk.

Lastly, (and this is the key) write out your ideal dream outcome to whatever is bothering you. What if it all magically went RIGHT? How would that feel? What would be great about it? Then read it OFTEN and daydream about those moments when everything is going your way and your dream outcome has manifested. Learn how to Write Your Life Plan Story. Learn how to focus on the desired end result by reading my post The Power of What If. Here's the FREE Manifesting Journal I mentioned. And you can grab a copy of my book #Futureboards here. Bottom line… we manifest what we focus on. So, if what you’ve been thinking about isn’t making you happy, you probably don’t want to manifest it, right? This is why it's so critical to change your thinking and focus to what you DO WANT instead, and these steps are how you practically do that. Do these 4 things next time you're feeling "meeehhh" and I promise, they will help you get out of a funk! If you are interested in being coached by me, apply for my 2024 Elite Mastermind cohort. Or check out my other coaching options.
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Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.