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Fear is a Dream Killer: How to Overcome Fear to Manifest Your Dreams

Writer: Sarah CentrellaSarah Centrella

Fear is a Dream Killer. How to Overcome Fear to Manifest Your Dreams.

Over the years I've realized that there are a few common blocks to manifesting, that show up in many of us. Part of the frustration comes from not knowing what those blocks are or how to remove them.

How to Overcome Fear to Manifest Your Dreams

So, I thought I'd share, one of them with you today. If this is a block you've faced or are facing here's a trick to remove it so that you can get on with the business of making your dreams a reality.

How to Overcome Fear to Manifest Your Dreams.

The feeling of Unworthiness is one of those common blocks. Unworthiness often manifests in the form of fear. When things are going well, and we are starting to get what we want, what emotion often rears its ugly head? Fear. It may take the form of a lump in the pit of your stomach. Or anxiety. Or stress. If those emotions ever pop-up when you are happy, or when things are going well, you need to recognize them for that they truly are; self-sabotaging blockers to everything you want.

Their (blocks) job is to keep you from breaking out of your comfortable box. They are present for the sole purpose of holding you back and keeping you down.

How to Remove It...

First, recognize the thought, without emotional attachment. When negative thoughts and fear arise, bringing their entourage of stress and anxiety, the first step is to remove yourself emotionally from it. Try to look at it objectively. Ask yourself; “Does this thought serve me? Is it going to get me closer to living my dreams, or is it here to keep me from them?” By doing this, we stop them in their tracks, removing their power.

Second, whatever you do, DO NOT engage! The key to changing old beliefs is NOT to entertain them. Don’t allow an internal conversation to begin, or continue, it will only take you down a rabbit hole.

For a while they will come at you in new and creative ways, making it harder to objectively recognize them for what they are, so be on guard. Also, be kind to yourself. No self-guilt here, if you miss one or two along the way, that's okay. Just commit to always improving and practicing what you’ve just learned. new one (thoughts about your dreams).

So, immediately change the subject in your brain by thinking of your dream future life. Begin imagining a specific piece of that life, a part that you know will be easy and pleasurable to focus on for a few minutes. And just like a toddler, your brain will soon forget its tantrum and happily play with its new toy!

Remember, that these emotions and thoughts are tricky little basters! They have lived with us for a looooong time and are quite comfortable with their position of guiding (or destroying) our life, they won’t go without a fight.

For a while they will come at you in new and creative ways, making it harder to objectively recognize them for what they are, so be on guard. Also, be kind to yourself. No self-guilt here, if you miss one or two along the way, thats okay. Just commit to always improving and practicing what you’ve just learned.

Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE!

Follow Instagram @sarahcentrella and tag me :)

Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.


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