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Welcome to the Sarah Centrella Blog!

​I am a master life coach, manifesting and mindset expert, podcast host, and best-selling author of self-help books. Here you'll find a ton of free coaching, tips, and tools when you sort by any of the below categories. I write about what inspires me, what I'm passionate about, and what I hope will bring value to you. If you enjoy a post, please spread the love by sharing it and tag me on any of my social media accounts.
P.S. If you are looking for my OG blog you'll find it at

Insights from Three-Time Olympic Gold Medalist Leah Amico
Join me as I chat with three-time Olympic gold medalist Leah Amico about cultivating a winner's mindset, facing fears, and seizing

Hypnosis for Trauma Healing and Weight Loss with Clinical Hypnotherapist Iryna Yeromenko
Explore the transformative power of hypnosis in overcoming subconscious blocks with clinical hypnotherapist Iryna Yeromenko

Transforming Mind and Body: A Journey to Holistic Weight Loss with Breanna Angstadt
Discover how weight loss coach Breanna Angstadt transformed her life through a holistic approach to mind and body, sharing invaluable mindse

COACHING: Mental Tennis -The Ultimate Mindset Hack to Change Your Thoughts
In today's short coaching episode, I'll teach you Mental Tennis, the ultimate mindset hack and my most popular tool for changing your though

The Mind Lab: How Thoughts Become Beliefs
Here's how your thoughts become beliefs, and how your beliefs drive your manifestations. From The Mind Lab by Sarah Centrella

COACHING: How to Get Out of a Funk and Feel in Control
Here's 4 Tips for Getting Out of a Funk and Into Positive Manifesting Energy. Shake off the slump and get your momentum back.

Building an Empire with Network Marketing Guru Jessie Lee Ward
Today I'm talking with my friend and marketing guru Jessie Lee Ward about building an empire! The Sarah Centrella Show.

COACHING: Mastering Motivation: Activate Inner Drive to Become Self-Motivated
How to activate your inner drive and master self-motivation, my 4 simple tips, by life coach Sarah Centrella.

Mind Lab: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Mindset
The Mind Lab: Why Your Thoughts Matter, understanding how our thoughts create beliefs and actions, from author and coach Sarah Centrella

How to Have Radical Self-Love with Danette May
How to have radical self-love with a nutritionist, best-selling author and health expert Danette May.

Mental Health Tips with the Therapy Twins
The Therapy Twins on The Sarah Centrella Show podcast, talking tips on mental health, controlling anger, power of positive thinking...

Sarah Centrella's Mind & Body Challenge: The Self-Pride Challenge
COACHING episode with Sarah Centrella on how to use the #selfpridechallenge to level-up mind and body!

Tips for Handling Adversity and Overcoming Obstacles
Five tips on how to positively handle adversity and overcoming obstacles and hard times.

Sarah Centrella's Self-Pride 30-Day Challenge #selfpridechallenge
Sarah shares her personal journey to finding self-pride again and shares the rule of the #selfpridechallenge, so you can join in!

COACHING: Procrastinating is Costing You More than You Think
What Has Procrastination Cost You? Why Procrastinating is Costing You More than you think.

Top Reasons Why Most People Fail
Top Reasons Why Most People Fail. Do you have what it takes to be successful? Make sure you're not doing these things.

Sometimes You're the Windshield...
I gotta be honest... not every day is a " jumping for joy, can't believe this is my life!", kinda day.

Why Having a Clear Vision is Everything
Why Having a Clear Vision is Everything. I'd of never made it this far if I didn't have a SUPER CLEAR VISION of what my ultimate success

Fear is a Dream Killer: How to Overcome Fear to Manifest Your Dreams
The feeling of Unworthiness is one of those common blocks.
Unworthiness often manifests in the form of fear. When things are going well,

Kanen Rossi Football Player Uses #HustleBelieveReceive to Achieve Dream
Kanen Rossi Football Player Uses #HustleBelieveReceive to Achieve His Dream. I've been teaching my children how to apply my Centrella...
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